The Significance of an SSL Certificate to Your Medical Website

internet security concept

Do you need to secure a medical website with an SSL certificate? Does the healthcare industry need any security from hackers? Why would hackers be interested in users’ health details? Why SSL certificate for medical websites? These are some of the questions that you ought to answer before setting up your medical website. The healthcare … Read more

5 Tips on Integrating Features Through an SDK in Python

5 tips for you

One of the best things about developing an application using Python today is the wealth of resources available at your fingertips. You don’t have to develop your application from scratch and can instead rely on existing modules, SDKs, components, and snippets to speed the development project up. SDKs in particular are handy for when you … Read more

How To Create And Implement An Agile Workflow

team Agile Workflow

Businesses and teams, in general, face so many challenges every single day. There’s always that need to do more, produce more within the same day—all without sacrificing on the performance quality. It seems as if quotas are getting higher than ever, given that businesses today are also facing so much competition. So, to survive, it’s … Read more

Online Mobile Game Market 2021

online gaming world

The increase in game users over the last year alone brought about a huge shift in the gaming industry. One apparent impact is that the industry is raking in more billions of dollars, thanks to over-subscription in online casinos. As a result, operators in this space, such as game developers and marketers, have a lot … Read more

7 Steps to Create a Messaging App Like Telegram

messages app 2021

Messaging app development has increased in popularity, with apps like Telegram leading in the field. What makes these types of platforms stand out from their competition? How should you go about the process of creating one of these apps? These are good questions, and hopefully, some insights into how such apps are developed will provide … Read more

Benefits of Personal Finance Management Software

Finance Management Software2021

Remembering personal finance software is an essential step for every organization. It is the key to financial planning and complete monitoring of the financial processes that are going on in a company or an organization. It is a process that includes different steps like assessment, and then a plan is created to monitor and reassess … Read more